電話傳譯 及 面談傳譯的分別?Print


電話傳譯 TELIS



1368571083_Facebook_like_thumb  適用於只涉及短暫而簡單的通訊

例如: 一個人只需要進行普通的查詢而不需要傳譯員在現場

1368571083_Facebook_like_thumb 適用於突發而難以安排傳譯員到現場的情況

例如: 服務使用者偶爾到訪服務提供者的辦公室,並作出簡單的查詢


1368571083_Facebook_like_thumb 適用於當事人不希望第三者出席的敏感的討論 (如



1368571083_Facebook_like_thumb 適用於因人手困難而不能安排即場傳譯的情況

1368571083_Facebook_like_thumb 適用於有時間及距離限制的情況

careful  溫馨提示:

Conversation quality may be affected by the stability of the telephone network. Possible interruption may occur due to instability of mobile phone networks. Echo and noise from background may cause unclear conversation when speaker is used.



 1368571083_Facebook_like_thumbFor cases that interpretation cannot be conducted if the interpreter is physically absent.

e.g. A pregnant lady who needs to do ultrasonic body check up and interpreter needs to do the interpretation with the ultrasonic image.

1368571083_Facebook_like_thumbFor cases that the individual need to do reading and go through complicated or lengthy procedure.

e.g. A person needs to do interview with a service provider in which he/she is not able to read the documents used in the interview without interpreter’s assistance.

1368571083_Facebook_like_thumbFor cases that the person feels more secure with the presence of an interpreter to facilitate better communication.

careful  A kind Reminder:

Face-to-face interpretation may not cater the urgent needs for interpretation as it relies on the availability of the Interpreter.

Possible delay for service may occur as interpreter takes time to arrive at the venue and manpower may not be available for ad hoc cases.

Hint: Telephone interpretation is suggested for ad-hoc cases (if appropriate), as more timely interpretation support can be provided.