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The Secretary Home and Youth Affairs Bureau visited CHEER Centre on 25th June 2024.
【SHYA visits a support service centre for ethnic minorities – CHEER Centre】
The Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs (SHYA), Miss Alice Mak; the Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Ms Shirley Lam; the Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr Clarence Leung; and the Acting Director of Home Affairs, Mr Te Chi-wang, this afternoon (June 25) visited a support service centre for ethnic minorities in Kwun Tong – the CHEER Centre, which is funded by the Home Affairs Department. They exchanged happily with the ethnic minority friends in the centre.
SHYA visited a parent-child handicraft class and a henna workshop, and interacted with the ethnic minority participants. She had also joined a party in celebration of a traditional festival – Eid al-Adha, playing happily with the ethnic minority friends. SHYA then watched a dance by the ethnic minority women. She had also visited the interpretation and translation centre to better understand the interpretation and translation services provided to the ethnic minorities in assisting them to access public services, facilitating their integration into the community.


The Hong Kong Police Force launched the upgraded Scameter+ to help the public identify scam calls and websites. Citizens can also report suspicious calls and websites immediately via the app.


[HKYouth+] A Brand New Mobile Application for Hong Kong Youth!

The brand new HKYouth+ app is online! ☺ (clapsss) Brought to you by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau(HYAB), HKYouth+ is a youth-centric mobile app providing the latest youth development info and activities that cover many different areas, including personal development opportunities, local hot topics, national development, arts and leisure, innovation and technology, physical and mental wellness. It is a handy app that enables you to explore different areas of interest and enrich yourself with practical learning resources!


With HKYouth+, you can discover and participate in a bunch of awesome youth and local activities. Plus, register as a member and unlock exclusive perks and features! It’s all about exploring diverse opportunities and boundless possibilities right at your fingertips!


Curious about what HKYouth+ is all about? Download HKYouth+ now and explore together🔎:

iOS version: https://apps.apple.com/app/hkyouth/id6478738189

Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.gov.youthapp

Huawei version: https://appgallery.huawei.com/#/app/C110441477?appId=C110441477

#HKYOUTH+ #HKYOUTHPLUS #YouthMobileApp #YouthDevelopmentBlueprint #youthdevelopement #HomeAndYouthAffairsBureau #HYAB


Part-time Courses (Waived Course fee) Accredited Certificate by ERB (Please click this link for details)


Hong Kong enters winter influenza season

The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health has announced that according to the surveillance data as at January 6, local seasonal influenza activity has continued to increase and exceeded the baseline thresholds, indicating that Hong Kong has entered the winter influenza season. Influenza activity is anticipated to further increase in the coming weeks. All sectors of the community should heighten their vigilance and enhance personal protection measures against influenza.
The influenza season in Hong Kong usually lasts for eight to 12 weeks. Based on previous surveillance data, after entering the influenza season, the virus activity will continue to rise for a period of time before reaching its peak. Members of the public, especially those with higher risks of influenza infection and its complications, such as the elderly and children, should receive seasonal influenza vaccination as soon as possible to lower the risks of serious illness and death. High-risk persons should wear a surgical mask when visiting public places, and the public should also wear a surgical mask when taking public transportation or staying in crowded places. Persons with respiratory symptoms, even if mild, are reminded to wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, and seek medical advice promptly with a view to lowering the risk of transmission.
​For the latest information on influenza activity, please visit the CHP’s influenza thematic page and COVID-19 & Flu Express. Regarding details of influenza vaccination, you may wish to visit the CHP’s Vaccination Schemes page.
We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the above information to your service users, colleagues, work or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support.

Centre for Health Protection
Department of Health


The Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme (Please click this link for detail)



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Chinese Class: May – August (Please click for an enlarged poster)

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Impormasyon sa Kalusugan

Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines

1.        CHP acknowledges WHO’s statement on antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccinesAcknowledging the updated statement on antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health stressed that receiving COVID-19 vaccination can effectively reduce the risk of serious illness and death from infection and called on members of the public who have not received the first three doses of vaccine to get vaccinated as early as possible for self-protection.For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202305/19/P2023051900675.htm

2.        Government responds to enquiries on latest advice of WHOFollowing WHO’s announcement that the COVID-19 epidemic situation no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Government would make reference to WHO’s latest advice on the epidemic situation in assessing the local situation and relevant risks, as well as the mutation of COVID-19 strains, thereby appraising the epidemic prevention and control response level, and adjusting the remaining measures and arrangements in relation to the epidemic accordingly. Announcements would be made in due course as appropriate.For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202305/06/P2023050600622.htm

3.        Community testing centres and community testing stations completely ceased operationThe Government announced that five COVID-19 community testing centres and community testing stations (CTC/CTSs) had completely ceased operation from May 13.For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202305/05/P2023050500431.htm

4.        Government’s response on arrangement of extending shelf life of COVID-19 oral drugsA Government spokesman stressed that all COVID-19 oral drugs currently prescribed to confirmed COVID-19 patients in Hong Kong have been tested and confirmed by the drug manufacturers as effective and safe, and comply with the relevant drug safety regulation. The practice of shelf life extension of the two COVID-19 oral drugs is also an established practice in the global pharmaceutical industry. The spokesman reiterated that the COVID-19 oral drugs is safe and effective while the local supply is sufficient. The Government would ensure that there are sufficient medical resources to meet local needs.For details, refer to: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202305/12/P2023051200653.htmMore information on COVID-19 vaccines: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/

Department of Health

23 May 2023


For previous news, please refer to the following link:


(English) Promotional Material

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M@H Poster(Tagalog version)

CHEER drop-in opening hours:

Monday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00am to 9:00pm

Public holidays: closed

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