For Employers

What do I need to know if I want to employ an ethnic minority?
1. Language proficiency needed for the posts

Review the job nature and distinguish if the post requires the candidate read/write/listen/speak in Cantonese or English. It helps you to find the right candidate easier!

Example 1:
You would like to employ a staff to do packing, the staff just need to wrap the product and not necessary to communicate with others.
i.e. You need to hire a staff with no/low Cantonese/English proficiency.
Example 2:
You would like to hire a truck driver and there is a Chinese worker who can read the address.
i.e. You need to hire a staff with no/low Cantonese/English proficiency but adequate Cantonese/English speaking proficiency so he/she can communicate with the Chinese worker.

2.Cultural sensitivity

Religion practice
Ethnic minority employees may have different dress codes, eating habits and daily practices due to religions.
Festival calendar
Every ethnicity group has its festivals; ethnic minority employees may need to attend religious worship and cultural festival celebrations.
What preparation is needed before my ethnic minority staff starts working?

 – Notice the current staff about employment of ethnic minority staff. Share the above information. It helps to create a more understanding working atmosphere.

 Arrange orientation to the ethnic minority staff. If needed, translate the key points into English or their ethnicity languages to make sure the ethnic minority staff fully understands the important notes.

 Explain Dos and Don’t to the ethnic minority staff clearly and the reason behind it to prevent any misunderstanding.

Is there any service from CHEER can assist me to employ ethnic minority?

  • Employers are welcomed to provide information of job vacancies to CHEER by completing the Job Vacancy Form.
  • CHEER will process your company’s vacancy application as soon as possible upon receipt of Job Vacancy Form.
  • Each vacancy order will remain valid for 2 months
  • You are requested not to submit the same application during the vacancy processing stage or when the vacancy order is still valid. If you have changed your contact means or terms of employment, or if the vacancy is filled, please notify us immediately.
  • CHEER reserves the right to edit and revise contents of the vacancy orders; and process or refuse to display any vacancy orders provided by you at CHEER and the web-site of CHEER.
Click here to download the Job Vacancy Form (After completion please convert it to PDF file and send to us via email)
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