About programme

Community Orientation Programmes

The Community Orientation Programmes introduce public resources and facilities to newly arrived EMs and those unfamiliar with these resources despite living in Hong Kong for over 7 years. These programmes facilitate community integration by connecting EMs with local culture, policies, and wellness resources.

To familiarize EM residents with local resources, the programmes include visits to landmarks, briefing sessions, and basic conversational Cantonese lessons focused on daily necessities like eating, shopping, and traveling. These efforts aim to help EM residents integrate and adapt to life in Hong Kong.

Career and Education Pathways Programmes

The career and education pathways programmes expand education and career options for newly arrived EMs and their caretakers. CHEER facilitate EMs in attending job fairs and access job, training, and education information.

Seminars and workshops on CV writing, mock interviews, work ethics, education pathways, and employment rights, will be organized to support newly arrived EMs.

i) Mentor@Home Scheme

The Mentor@Home Scheme provides 10 hours of one-to-one language training to EMs who can't attend community classes due to caregiving, health, or mobility issues. It also supports EM children with special needs and their parents. The scheme helps EMs unable to attend classes due to work hours or financial constraints, offering Chinese and English learning support. Online lessons via Zoom or Google Meet are available if mentors and mentees are far apart.

ii) Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Club

The PAL Club fosters peer support for participants of language classes and the Mentor@Home scheme through structured indoor and outdoor activities. These activities help participants practice languages more intensively with tutor guidance and offer additional, leisurely opportunities for language practice.

STEM Programmes

The STEM Programmes help EM users acquire skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to meet daily needs and integrate into the community. These multidimensional programmes aim to develop techniques and explore potentials in a fun, dynamic way. Building on the original Technical Literacy Programmes, which teach computer skills, the new STEM initiatives will introduce more concepts, allowing EM users to design and build simple devices.


Social Literacy Programmes

i) Interest and Information Sharing Programme

The Social Literacy Programmes introduce public resources in education, health, and interests like music, sports, and arts through workshops, seminars, and activities. These programmes help EM users with similar interests gather, expanding and strengthening their social networks.

ii)Information Ambassador

EM participants will explore and contribute their strengths through volunteer work in the programmes. The EM Information Ambassadors programme will continue, training participants to share community resource information they acquire with their respective communities.

iii)Mutual Support Group

Given the positive impact of Mutual Support Groups, efforts will continue to increase EMs' community concerns and develop their social networks. Groups will discuss social issues and policies to raise EM awareness and readiness for social participation, with opportunities for members to volunteer

iv)Parenting Workshops & Family Activities

In addition to its existing focus, the Social Literacy Programme will address parenting and family relationships from 2023-25. Strengthening family relationships is crucial for wellbeing, so seminars and workshops on parenting skills and family activities will be conducted to support this need.

v) Team Building Activities

Recognizing the importance of team building, activities will be organized to enhance and strengthen positive social networks for EM users, especially within existing social groups.

Cultural Literacy Programmes

i) Cross-cultural Programmes

Food and art effectively unite people from diverse backgrounds, so cultural literacy programmes will include cooking classes, art workshops, music activities, and tours to celebrate Hong Kong, Chinese, and EM cultures. Cross-cultural programmes will also facilitate interaction between EM and Chinese residents, helping to eliminate stereotypes and stigma.

ii) Cultural Tour and Visit

Cultural tours and visits allow EM users to learn about Hong Kong’s customs and daily life, offering a unique perspective on local culture. These tours help EM users explore various scenes across Hong Kong, enhancing their understanding of the entire region.

iii) CHEER’s Multicultural Explorers

To leverage the outgoing and friendly nature of EM residents, CHEER will continue recruiting and training EM multicultural explorers to share their cultures with Chinese and other ethnic minority residents. These explorers will cover various topics, including food and art.

iv) Multicultural Carnival

The Multicultural Carnival, held twice a year, celebrates Hong Kong's cultural diversity. Both EM and Chinese residents are invited to join, with events featuring various festivals, traditions, and customs from Chinese, Hong Kong, and ethnic minority cultures.

CHEER’s Playgroup

CHEER’s playgroup enables EM young children to engage in social interaction and learning through play. During sessions, children can explore new experiences, interact with peers and parents, and practice language skills. Age-appropriate and fun activities are designed to make learning enjoyable for the children.

CHEER’s Multicultural Scouts Team

Hong Kong's vibrant, multicultural environment fosters self-reliance and resilience. To promote early integration, EM children benefit from structured training and role models. CHEER formed a Multicultural Scouts Team of Grasshopper Scouts for ages 5-8, including at least 6 EM children, offering training through activities, games, outings, and tasks.

Service Information Day

To network with EM communities and various stakeholders, and to provide opportunities for local Chinese people to interact with EMs, a mass programme will be conducted annually. The theme will vary based on assessed needs and interests, but each event will promote CHEER's information and involve EM users as volunteers.

Other Support Services

i) Counselling / Consultation / Guidance Services

CHEER's experience shows EMs need guidance, consultations, and sometimes counseling to access mainstream services. A culturally-sensitive approach ensures better assessments and referrals. CHEER will continue offering immediate advice and support, or brief consultations by social workers, focusing on youths and newly arrived EMs. One-on-one consultations and home visits will be provided as needed.

ii) General Enquiries and Sight Translation Cases

CHEER will offer general enquiries services and sight translation to EM users during drop-in sessions, programmes, outreach, and home visits. These services will be available face-to-face, via email, fax, WhatsApp, and other channels.

iii) Reaching Out Services

To connect with more potential service targets and offer tailored programmes, CHEER will provide outreach services, including door-to-door and home visits, particularly in areas with subdivided flats and new public housing estates.

Developmental Programmes

i) Interest Based Developmental Programmes

Considering the recent experiences and feedback of the EM youth participants, the development programmes will be focusing more on the interest and hobbies exploratory level, so that the programmes can be tailor-made to suit the developmental stage of teenagers, and the EM youths can explore what they are interested in and further develop in the future. The programmes provided will be related to sport, music, art, adventurous activities etc.

ii) Youth Round Table

The youth round table will be run once per year to invite EM youths joining our programmes to exchange their opinions on our services and collect their interests and ideas for future programmes.

iii) Job Shadowing Project

The Job Shadowing Project offers EM youths workplace experience to prepare for the job market. It includes an opening and closing ceremony, trainings, and 2-day shadowing with different companies for youths aged 16 or above. The project aims to inspire career planning through mentor sharing and encourages more companies to participate.

Career and Life Planning Programmes

The career and life planning programmes offer courses and seminars to equip youth with skills for career exploration and decision-making. Workshops and training, such as first aid, fitness, and yoga training, will be organized. CHEER will also collaborate with disciplinary services like the Correctional Services Department, Fire Service Department, and Hong Kong Police to provide career pathway information.

CHEER’s Buddies Group

Based on past experience, small groups of EM youths are more active and effective in learning and building social networks. CHEER's Buddies Group will focus on mental wellness and social skills through art and sports activities. This will enhance their responsibility, discipline, peer relationships, and leadership, helping them tackle future challenges and explore their talents for personal growth.

EM Youth Leader Training Programme

Nurturing young leaders is essential. The EM Youth Leaders Training Programmes for P.4-F.3 students will develop civic responsibility, resilience, coping skills, and cultural engagement. Training includes adventure-based activities and volunteer services, with opportunities for youth leaders to volunteer in various programmes.

EM Youth Competence Training

To boost EM youths' self-esteem and confidence, competence training will be conducted, using an ability-based approach. These trainings will help youths expand their skills in various sports and arts. Increased competence is expected to improve their self-image and confidence, benefiting their overall development.

Embrace Your Talent

CHEER believes every youth has unique talents and potential. To showcase these talents, an annual competition/performance gala will be held, inviting schools, NGOs, and EM groups to participate. EM youths can display their skills in singing, dancing, sports, musical instruments, drama, and more.

Consultation and Referral Services

The designated consultation hotline (Tel. no.: 5222-0554) will be maintained and provide consultation services mainly on education and career guidance and information to EM youths, their family as well as school personnel. Referral service will also be provided upon the needs of the callers.

The hotline will be operated 8 sessions per week and the operation time will be as follows:


Time/Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1:00pm-5:00pm Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed
5:00pm-9:00pm Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed

After-school support classes will be organized for P1-P3, P4-P6, and S1-S3 students, offering help with participants’ academics and revision. Small group guidance will be provided by part-time tutors (with post-secondary education) and/or volunteers (with at least senior secondary level) once or twice a week. For secondary students, the focus will be on intensive pre-examination guidance in Chinese and Mathematics.

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