(English) Employment Service by Labour DepartmentPrint

勞工處的就業服務為可以在香港特別行政區合法地工作的求職人士提供服務,即持有有效香港特別行政區身份証的人士、或持旅遊証件並獲香港特別行政區入境事務處簽發有效的工作簽証的人士。閣下可以瀏覽入境事務處的網站: http://www.immd.gov.hk

如想登記勞工處的就業服務,你可以親身前往任何一間 就業中心 (辦公時間:星期一至五 上午9時正至下午5時30分;星期六 上午9時正至中午12時正;星期日及公眾假期休息)。 當你完成登記後,你可以使用勞工處提供的服務,包括:

  1. Services of the Telephone Employment Service Centre [Telephone Hotline : 29690888]
  2. Employment services of district job centres.
  3. Save your job search criteria, build/ upload your resume and subscribe job alert etc.; and
  4. Keep your job related information at our website for employers’ review.

You may also contact the employers directly if their contact information are shown on the jobs OR you may call the Employment Service Hotline at 2969 0888 OR approach the job centres for referral. If online application is available, you may use the department’s Apply Online system.

Further, Labour Department also provides Employment Services Guide for Ethnic Minority Job Seekers.

For more details, please visit: http://www.jobs.gov.hk/1/0/WebForm/information/en/em/index.aspx